
5 Candle Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

5 Candle Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

candles are a great way to add ambiance to any room. They come in a variety of colors, sizes, and scents, and can really help set the mood. While candles are generally safe to use, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure you're using them as safely as possible. Here are 5 candle safety tips everyone should know.

Candles are a popular way to add ambiance to any room, but it's important to use them safely. Here are 5 candle safety tips everyone should know.

1. Always keep an eye on your candles. Never leave them burning unattended, and make sure to extinguish them before leaving the room or going to bed.

2. Keep candles away from children and pets. Pets especially can be curious about flames, and may accidentally knock over a candle if they get too close.

3. Keep candles away from flammable objects like curtains, furniture, or books. Flames can easily spread to these materials if they're too close.

4. Choose the right candle holder. Make sure the holder is sturdy and won't tip over easily. Glass holders are a good option because they dissipate heat well. If you're using a metal holder, make sure it's not too hot to the touch before moving it.

5. Be cautious with scented candles. Some candles contain chemicals that can be harmful if inhaled in large quantities or if they come into contact with skin. If you have concerns about a particular candle, do some research before purchasing it or ask the salesperson for more information. Here at Candle & Body our wax is made from beeswax, which is non-toxic.

Candles are safe to use when you follow these simple safety tips. Always keep an eye on your candles, keep them away from children and pets, choose the right holder, and be cautious with scented candles. By following these tips, you can enjoy your candles worry-free!

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